Category Blog

The Christmas Miracle

Last December I had a session with a client that was fearful of having their home foreclosed. The bank was going to be calling them that afternoon to give them a final decision. We got into all the fears and…

Everything you need is within…

Everything you need is within. That message came right through my heart one day. What it means is all the power, wisdom and love of the universe is already inside you. In order to tap in and feel the magnificence…

The Power of Love

As you release the emotions and beliefs that can block love, e.g. anger, resentment, sadness, loneliness, hurt, can’t do it, guilt, shame, etc., healing takes place. Love can now get into those areas and the impossible becomes possible.

Your natural state of being

Your natural state of being is Love. If you’re not feeling in alignment to that love, the key is letting go of the old that keeps you feeling the separation of who you truly are. Releasing unhealed emotions opens your…


Let the love in your heart lead you. Your footprints will light the path for others…

The luck of the heart

Have you ever noticed the similarities of a four leaf clover and a heart? The four leaf clover has four leaves and it’s the color of green. The heart chakra is the fourth energy center in your body and it’s…

The Power of the Heart

Is is through Love that all things are created. This will come through as inspiration, an inner knowing, creativity, ideas, hope, visions, new concepts, possibilities, impulses, connections, songs etc., and it feels really good and it makes your hear sing.

Love is the way

Love is what guides us. Love is what heals us. Love is what inspires us. Love is what connects us. Love is what nurtures us. Love is what created us. Love is the way…

Do You Feel the Calling?

Do you feel the calling for something new and different? When I look out at the openness of the sea, I feel the calling for change. I feel the calling to explore. I feel the calling for love, freedom and…

There is no separation with Love

There is no separation with love

Five years ago while walking in the park, I felt strong heartfelt memories of my mother. As I felt these loving memories, I sent her love from my heart to hers. Instantly I gasped because I felt the love come…