Healing through the Heart

Paula Allen Divine Heart Energy Healing
Paula M. Allen

Our true self is felt through the heart. It is our personal connection to the ‘I AM’ presence and our connection to God/Source. Your heart is the gateway to your soul and the key to your divinity. It is a treasure chest full of possibilities waiting to be unlocked.

How does your heart feel? What is your heart trying to tell you? What are you willing to let go of to let love in?

When we heal our hearts, we free up the limitations we may have placed on ourselves. We begin to feel lighter, brighter and regain a sense of purpose and peace within. With that comes an inner strength and confidence in knowing that all is truly well. Our true nature is flowing and expansive which is why it is important to let go of the old to bring in the new.

To free your heart and give it the love it needs, unhealed emotions and ancient beliefs need to be released. Unhealed emotions can influence the way you think and feel about yourself and lead to physical and emotional pain. With the gentle process and loving intent to release these emotions and beliefs, healing of the heart, body and spirit takes place and the real you can shine through.

Together we can ‘unlock the treasure’ that you are.